For authors
CAUTION! Failure to comply with the instructions can result in outright rejection of your application
Paper Submission Guidelines
An author is allowed to submit one or two papers and to be a co-author of no more than 3 papers. Authorship of a single paper should be limited to 6 authors. All the submitted papers must contain the original (unpublished) results of the research.
Please, register on the conference website by clicking “Register”
Prepare your submission in doc/docx format using our full paper template and following the rules given there. File size must be limited to 15 MB. Full paper volume cannot be less than 3 full pages (excluding references). Please, do not exceed 6 pages (including references), otherwise, you’ll have to pay additional fees for each extra page (no more than 4 extra pages). The list of references should include at least 8 sources on the research topic. Self-citation should be limited to 3 references. The number of keywords must be at least 5. The full paper must be written in English. Please, make sure that the English level is advanced, long expressions are avoided, and generally accepted terminology is used. Please, use the Recommended Unit Symbols, SI Prefixes, and Abbreviations
Full paper template (Word)
LaTeX full paper template (Overleaf)
When the full paper is accepted, you'll have time to finalize the paper and submit its camera-ready edition. Camera-ready paper is the final version of the full paper, accepted by the Conference Publication Chair for inclusion to the IEEE Xplore® submission. By uploading the camera-ready paper you agree to publish it in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and to provide a transfer of the copyright to IEEE.
After the camera-ready paper submission, all the authors affiliated to the Russian Federation will have to upload scans of the Security Clearance document and the Export Commission Conclusion document (Export Control Examination certificate) in accordance with federal law "On export control". Both documents should be based on the established model of the affiliating/delegating organization and certified with the seal of this organization. The documents are uploaded by the corresponding author only. The hard copies of these documents must be kept by the corresponding author until the end of the conference.
All papers submitted to the program committee are checked using the plagiarism detection tools and following the guidelines of the PSPB Operations Manual
Submitted papers must be new and original. According to the IEEE Rules of Publication Services and Products Board, the critical plagiarism level (including self-plagiarism) for automatic verification by CrossCheck Portal is 20%, and it cannot be higher. Make sure that your paper is substantially different from (your) previously published work. Manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism and multiple publication using IEEE CrossCheck Portal. A detailed description of the plagiarism levels can be found via this link.
If an article accepted for publication, which was presented at the conference, did not pass the plagiarism check at the time of sending the collection to the IEEE, the article will be excluded from the collection without a refund.
Papers that has plagiarism level higher than 20% will not be accepted to the review process.
Author Responsibilities
- Submit original work that has not been published previously, nor is currently submitted to any other publication, including publications in other languages
- Plagiarism, fabrication, or falsification of any aspect of the paper is unacceptable
- Cite only articles that are directly relevant to the submitted paper
- Describe methods and materials with enough detail that the work can be reproduced
- Acknowledge research funder and any conflicts of interest
- Report any substantial changes to the paper after acceptance to the Conference Publication Chair, who may decide that re-review is appropriate; this includes changes to the bibliography