Young Professionals Involvement (YPI) Competition
About YPI Competition
The YPI Competition is organized by IEEE Russia (Siberia) Young Professionals Affinity Group in order to facilitate involvement of the young professionals' community in discussion of innovations and practical issues in science and technology. During the full paper submission the participants of the Competition give consent to review their full papers by members of the YPI committee on the novelty of the research and its relevance to the state-of-the-art topics, practical advancement, the research and technological development (RTD) potential, human capital, commercial potential of the technology, etc. The authors of the 10 best papers will be requested to present their papers during the conference technical session to be assessed by the YPI committee in person. The Committee will choose 3 Winners of the Competition. The Winners will be awarded IEEE YPI certificates, as well as personalized 30% discount certificates, and special presents. The award ceremony will be led by Anna Kazmina, Chair of the IEEE Russia (Siberia) Young Professionals Affinity Group.
In order to take part in the YPI Competition checkmark “Take part in the YPI Competition” in the full paper submission web-form
For more details, please follow the links below
YPI Terms and Conditions (EN)
YPI Terms and Conditions (RU)
About IEEE Young Professionals
IEEE Young Professionals is the group of IEEE members and volunteers who have graduated from their first professional degree within the past 15 years. It is an international community, whose members are interested in elevating their professional image, expanding their global network, connecting with peers locally and giving back to their community. Since it encompasses all members from recent university graduates to experienced professionals and entrepreneurs, the group is highly diverse in what it has to offer. To join the IEEE Young Professionals community, you need to be an IEEE member - Join now.